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Youth Consultation

Youth voice is fundamental to the foundation and development of Solihull CEP, informing its strategy and identifying the areas in the Solihull Borough where we are needed.

Across January & February 2023 independent artists Nicola Prestage, Lee Skinner, Sohan Kailey and Claire Jones have been working on behalf of the CEP with young people across Solihull to find out about their experiences of arts and culture.


Through creative workshops, Solihull CEP aims to answer a few questions:

  • How do young people perceive arts and culture?

  • What activity do young people enjoy participating in and how do they access arts and culture?

  • Is arts and culture important and relevant to young people?

  • How do young people engage in arts and culture

  • What are the existing barriers to engagement and what is needed to engage young people in arts and culture?


Schools/ Orgs who took part

Check out some of their work

Check out our playlist of Creative Youth Consultation videos on YouTube

Following on from the creative consultation workshops in these 15 schools, Solihull CEP led a free CPD session for teachers and leaders, who wanted to learn how to input the methods of creative consultation in their own practice.

We were joined by artists Nicola Prestage and Lee Skinner, who guided our participants through a taster of using film and stop motion.

Young Peoples Manifesto
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